Dr. Nasiah Cirincione-Ulezi
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Session Sponsored by HRI Colorado


Dr. Nasiah Cirincione-Ulezi

CEO & Founder, ULEZI, LLC

Dr. Nasiah Cirincione-Ulezi is the CEO and Founder of ULEZI, LLC. She is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and holds a Doctorate degree in Education from Loyola University of Chicago. She holds a Master's degree in Special Education from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a Master's degree in Educational Leadership from the American College of Education. She completed advanced graduate studies in Infant and Toddler Studies at Erikson Institute in Chicago. Dr. Cirincione-Ulezi has worked in the field of Disability Services for more than 20 years, as a special educator, clinician, educational administrator and professor of education. She is deeply committed to using her skills and experience to uplift and transform the lives of the people she supports, in positive and meaningful ways.




October 21, 2022 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

How we think, the language we use, and our awareness of how we use our power — all these combined emphasize the importance of compassionate communication.  During this 50-minute Keynote message, compassionate communication will be defined, described, and explained.   Additionally, ways in which compassionate communication can be applied to the professional practice of behaviour analysis, in service of positive outcomes for stakeholders, will be shared.

1 BACB Learning CEU

Session Sponsored by HRI Colorado

This session is sponsored by the HRI Colorado. HRIC specializes in placing Board Certified Behavior Analysts in home, center, school, or community settings throughout the United States. Find candidates or search available positions at hricolorado.com.


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